Man Discovers Kidney Deficiency After Long-Term Fitness, Raises Concerns About Protein Powder Side Effects?


Mr. Wang, a 28-year-old man with a height of 1.8 meters and weight of 80 kg, recently received a health checkup that revealed elevated creatinine levels, leading to a diagnosis of spleen and kidney deficiency. The director of the Kidney Disease Hospital in Hangzhou (Hangzhou Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital) advised him to temporarily suspend high-intensity workouts and refrain from additional supplementation of protein powder and creatine. He was instructed to recheck his indicators after a period, and if the levels remained high, it would require serious attention.

Man Discovers Kidney Deficiency After Long-Term Fitness, Raises Concerns About Protein Powder Side Effects

It is learned that despite his busy work schedule, Mr. Wang consistently engaged in fitness training five times a week. After each session, he would consume two scoops of protein powder and creatine. In less than a year, he successfully gained 6 kilograms of muscle but ended up with “kidney deficiency.” The director of the kidney disease hospital remarked, “Many young people are like this nowadays, keen on fitness and relentlessly pursuing muscle development. However, prolonged high-intensity anaerobic exercise is prone to damage small blood vessels.” He emphasized that excessive protein intake increases the metabolic products that the kidneys need to process, thereby placing an additional burden on the kidneys.

The director of the kidney disease hospital used a vivid analogy: Each person has a limited capacity to absorb and intake protein throughout their lifetime. If one exceeds this limit in the first half of their life, causing the kidneys to compensate excessively, it may lead to an early depletion of kidney compensatory capacity.

Man Discovers Kidney Deficiency After Long-Term Fitness, Raises Concerns About Protein Powder Side Effects


Side Effects of Protein Powder

When consumed in moderation, protein powder generally has few side effects. However, prolonged and excessive intake may lead to certain adverse effects, such as:

  1. Increased Renal Burden: The metabolism of protein produces nitrogen-containing substances like urea, ammonia, and creatinine, which need to be excreted through the kidneys. Excessive intake may exacerbate the renal burden and potentially lead to kidney failure.
  2. Estrogen Content: Protein powders, often derived from soy, contain a certain amount of estrogen. Women with conditions like breast hyperplasia or uterine fibroids may worsen their conditions by excessive consumption.
  3. Digestive Issues: Long-term excessive consumption of protein powder may cause digestive problems, leading to indigestion and diarrhea.
  4. Calcium Loss: Overconsumption of protein powder may increase the loss of calcium in the urine, potentially harming bone health and causing conditions like osteoporosis.

Therefore, it is crucial to supplement protein in moderation. For most people, a balanced diet is sufficient, and additional protein supplementation should be done under the guidance of healthcare professionals if deemed necessary.

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