Obesity is the “curse” of high blood pressure. Obesity is the most dangerous type of people.


In modern society, with the accelerated pace of life and changes in dietary structure, the problem of obesity has become increasingly prominent. It not only affects an individual’s appearance and quality of life, but is also the “behind-the-scenes driving force” of many chronic diseases, one of which attracts attention is hypertension. . It can be said that obesity is the “curse” of hypertension, especially for certain groups of people, the risk of hypertension brought by obesity is more significant.

1. Why does obesity cause high blood pressure?

1. Causes of increased blood pressure due to obesity

①Excessive fat accumulation

Obese people have more adipose tissue in their bodies, and the fat content in their blood also increases accordingly, resulting in increased blood viscosity and increased blood flow resistance, thus causing increased blood pressure.

②Insulin resistance

Obese people often have insulin resistance, which reduces the effect of insulin, leading to increased blood sugar and blood pressure.

③Sympathetic nerve excitement

Obese people have too much fat tissue in their bodies, which oppresses internal organs, excites sympathetic nerves, accelerates heart rate, and increases blood pressure.

2. Epidemiological investigation of obesity and hypertension

A large number of epidemiological surveys show that obese people have a significantly higher chance of developing hypertension than normal-weight people. In my country, the prevalence of hypertension in obese people is about 2.5 times that of normal-weight people.

2. Which type of people are at risk of obesity?

Although obesity can cause high blood pressure in everyone, research shows that certain groups of people are at a higher risk. This type of person is “abdominal obesity”. Abdominal obesity means that fat is mainly concentrated in the abdominal area rather than other parts such as buttocks or thighs.

People with abdominal obesity often have higher blood pressure levels and cardiovascular disease risks. This is because abdominal fat accumulation is associated with risk factors such as insulin resistance, inflammation, and dyslipidemia. These factors interact to increase the risk of hypertension and cardiovascular disease.

In addition, people with abdominal obesity often lack exercise and have poor eating habits, which also exacerbates their health risks. Therefore, it is particularly important for people with abdominal obesity to lose weight and control their weight.

3. How to deal with obesity and high blood pressure

1. Healthy eating

Diet is key to controlling weight and preventing high blood pressure. You should maintain a low-salt, low-sugar, and low-fat diet and increase your intake of fruits, vegetables, protein, and whole grains. At the same time, reduce the intake of high-fat and high-calorie foods and avoid overeating and overeating.

2. Increase the amount of exercise

Exercise is an effective way to lose weight and control your weight. Regular aerobic exercise such as running, swimming, and brisk walking can help burn fat, lose weight, and lower blood pressure. It is recommended to exercise 75-150 minutes per week.

3. Control drinking

Excessive drinking can increase blood pressure, so controlling drinking is also one of the important measures to prevent and control hypertension. Men should drink no more than two standard drinks a day, and women should drink no more than one standard drink a day.

4. Manage stress

Long-term psychological stress increases the risk of high blood pressure. Relieving stress and anxiety through meditation, deep breathing, yoga, and more can help lower blood pressure and improve physical and mental health.

5. Regular physical examination

Regular physical examination is an important means of timely detection and management of hypertension. It is recommended to have your blood pressure measured at least once a year, and to carry out relevant examinations and treatments according to your doctor’s recommendations.

6. Rational use of medicines

If you have been diagnosed with high blood pressure, the key to controlling high blood pressure is to use antihypertensive drugs rationally according to your doctor’s recommendations. At the same time, you should also pay attention to the side effects and interactions of drugs.

Only by fully recognizing the dangers of obesity and adopting active and effective healthy lifestyle and medical intervention methods can we better curb the hypertension caused by obesity, thereby protecting heart health and prolonging the quality of life. Let us work together to use scientific methods to fight obesity, stay away from the threat of hypertension, and welcome a healthy future!


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