why are only Chinese men “tonifying their kidneys”?


Replenishing the kidneys has always been a topic that men cannot avoid.

Especially when people reach middle age, if they exert a little force and suffer from back pain, weakness in legs and feet, and poor energy the next day, people who have experienced it will always kindly remind them to replenish their kidneys.

It seems that all the physical discomforts of middle-aged men can ultimately be found in the “kidneys”.

However, after “kidney replenishing”, will middle-aged men really say “Hello, I’m fine too”?

Chinese people have an illusion that all people have kidney deficiency.

From the elderly to children – “children wet the bed and have insufficient kidney qi”, “old people are forgetful and have declining kidney qi”, “middle-aged people are tired and weak, and have kidney deficiency and kidney deficiency”.

Among them, those who are most sensitive to “kidney” are undoubtedly the majority of middle-aged men. When a man is said to have “kidney deficiency”, it is also the moment when his “masculine virility” is suddenly frustrated.

Therefore, in the life of Chinese men, “tonifying kidneys” always follows them, even to the point of puzzling. On Baidu, the number of entries related to “tonifying kidneys for men” alone has reached 100 million. The market size of patent medicines has already reached an astonishing 23.6 billion.

If it is not a rigid need, where will the huge consumption come from?

The love for “kidney nourishing” in Chinese food culture is unabashed

China has a long history of kidney tonifying. It is no exaggeration to say that the history of Chinese food culture is also a history of kidney tonifying.

After thousands of years of inheritance and development, iterative updates, and even a rich set of kidney-tonifying routines, which give play to the Chinese people’s characteristics of “daring to think and dare to do”, have formed two major concepts: “what you eat is what you eat” and “the shape is what you eat” in principle.

The first is the dietary therapy of “what you eat is what you need to supplement”. Lamb loin, pork loin, beef loin – influenced by the kidney-tonifying culture, the kidneys of almost all animals can be eaten.

The second food philosophy is “form complements form.” Deer penis, rejuvenation grass (also known as “Tianzhu”), geoduck, Cynomorium cynomorium, cinnamon, all ingredients with “special” shapes have high hopes.

If you want to have good kidneys and a good life, kidneys are a necessity on the table.

In addition, there are some foods that seem to have nothing to do with the kidneys but are actually related to them. For example, leeks, oysters, raw oysters, cordyceps… The word “kidney nourishing” is like a mantra. Even if it is unimaginable and difficult to swallow, as long as you think about it before eating, it can nourish the kidneys, and the eater will immediately accept it and enjoy it as sweet as sugar.

For example, many people can’t stand the fishy smell of kidneys, but as long as it is said that eating it can strengthen yang and nourish the kidneys, middle-aged men will eat it as soon as they close their eyes and stamp their feet.

However, compared to the dignitaries in history, modern people’s spirit of nourishing the kidneys is indeed nothing. During the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the powder “Wushi Powder” ground from various stones was considered to nourish the kidneys. During the Song and Ming Dynasties, the powder made from the urine of children was Crystallized “Autumn Stone” is very popular. In order to replenish the kidneys, ancient people came up with all kinds of strange tricks, even risking their lives for experiments.

As a result, anything you can think of can replenish the kidneys and strengthen every Chinese man.

The Chinese’s obsession with kidney-tonifying drugs can make you doubt your life

Middle-aged men should have seen the TV commercials “Suffering a loss is a blessing, kidney failure is a disaster” and “He is good, so am I.”

The magical brainwashing marketing made “kidney deficiency” instantly become a household medical term. Kidney-tonifying Chinese patent medicines and kidney-tonifying health care drugs have also become the best way to solve men’s current pain points.

According to research by Yaozhi.com, the current market size of my country’s kidney-tonifying proprietary Chinese medicines alone has reached 23.6 billion. It is the spectacular demand of the Chinese people for “kidney nourishing” that has given rise to the prosperity and development of the kidney nourishing drug industry.


Traditionally, the naming of drugs for kidney deficiency should be simple and generous but also subtle and subtle.

Among them, the most well-known brand of Shenbao tablets sold 870 million tablets in 2015 alone. At that time, the population of Chinese men was only 704 million, which is equivalent to the average number of men in China, regardless of age, eating 1.25 tablets per person. It is a miracle in the Chinese pharmaceutical industry.

In addition to the kidney-tonifying Chinese patent medicines sold on regular medicine shelves, there is another huge kidney-tonifying medicine market hidden in the dark. Through introductions from acquaintances or low prices, people pretend to be old Chinese medicine practitioners and induce the consumption of three-no products.

In recent years, the news has reported many cases of police cracking down on aphrodisiac and kidney-tonifying fraud cases. The scammers have weaved a web of middle-aged men with “kidney deficiency” and have accurately harvested middle-aged men’s wallets time and time again.

Why don’t foreign men nourish their kidneys?

When it comes to that aspect of failure, most Chinese people will have this thought in their minds: Is it because of “kidney deficiency”?

But if you ask in more detail what is “kidney deficiency”? Or what exactly does “kidney nourishing” supplement? The vast majority of Chinese people cannot explain clearly. This is because traditional Chinese medicine believes that the kidney is the “innate foundation” and the kidney is omnipotent, so “kidney deficiency causes all kinds of diseases.”

You can get a glimpse of it from the description of symptoms related to kidney deficiency in traditional Chinese medicine:

Kidney yang deficiency: Soreness and weakness in the waist and knees, cold limbs, easy fatigue, dizziness and tinnitus, oliguria and edema, pale and fat tongue, heavy and weak pulse, impotence and infertility;

Kidney yin deficiency: dizziness, tinnitus and deafness, insomnia and dreaminess, hot flashes and night sweats, soreness and weakness in the waist and knees, red tongue with dry coating, spermatorrhea in men, and irregular menstruation in women.

When you see this, you will find that any discomfort in the body can eventually be caused by “kidney deficiency”. It is not surprising why Chinese men are busy replenishing their kidneys.


Because kidney deficiency is often linked to men’s sexual performance, many men take kidney supplements to enhance their virility.

But have you ever thought about this question:

Obviously everyone has kidneys, why do foreigners never replenish their kidneys?

In fact, although the kidney diseases that we think of as kidney deficiency and kidney deficiency and the kidney diseases that foreigners think of are both caused by the same kidney, they are actually completely unrelated.

In modern medicine, kidneys and sexual function are completely incompatible. The kidneys belong to the urinary system. Through the filtration of the kidneys, metabolites, toxins and unnecessary substances in the body are excreted through urine. In addition, it also has some endocrine functions, producing renin, erythropoietin and other functions. It is the testicles that really affect the quantity and quality of sperm.

In addition to their different understanding of kidneys, foreigners do not replenish the kidneys because there is no concept of kidney deficiency or kidney deficiency in foreigners’ concepts. Of course, “kidney deficiency” is indeed a disease, but kidney deficiency described in the World Health Organization’s International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) is placed under the category of psychological disorders.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), known as the bible of psychiatry, also includes kidney deficiency, a disease with Chinese characteristics, and defines it as culture-bound syndrome.

To put it bluntly, in the Western world, “kidney deficiency” is believed to be due to Chinese people’s concern about semen loss, which leads to severe anxiety, and the autonomic nervous system dysfunction caused by anxiety is then transformed into physical symptoms.

Of course, Chinese men definitely refuse to recognize this definition.


Experts say that relying on diet or drug supplements is not as good as strengthening exercise and maintaining good living habits.

Chinese men should take their time to replenish their kidneys!

Taking good care of your body and protecting your kidneys is definitely not a bad thing. There is no harm in eating more “aphrodisiac” foods in your diet. However, if you take kidney-tonifying drugs indiscriminately, especially some “natural and harmless” Chinese herbal medicines, you are most likely cheating yourself.

Since the concept of “kidney deficiency” comes from traditional Chinese medicine, many people believe that Chinese herbal medicine is more suitable for nourishing the kidneys than Western medicine.

But many people don’t know that the kidney, as the main excretion pathway of toxins from the human body, is also one of the main target organs attacked by drug toxicity, and many Chinese herbal medicines are nephrotoxic.

Taking supplements indiscriminately can lead to poisoning in mild cases and death in severe cases.

What’s more, behind middle-aged men’s crazy kidney replenishment, there is a question whether it will help improve sexual performance.

Drinking more water, exercising more, and maintaining a good lifestyle are the best “tonics” for the kidneys.

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