Should I Take Fever-Reducing Medicine at What Temperature? When Is It Necessary to Seek Medical Attention for Fever?


Many people, at the slightest hint of a headache or feeling a bit warm, rush to take fever-reducing medicine. But do you know if this situation truly qualifies as a fever? And should you take fever-reducing medicine? At what temperature is it generally considered a fever?

At What Temperature Is It Considered a Fever?

  1. Measure oral body temperature, and normal body temperature ranges between 36.3-37.2°C.
  2. Measure rectal body temperature (anal temperature), and normal body temperature is between 36.5-37.7°C.
  3. Measure axillary (armpit) body temperature, and the normal range is between 36.0-37.0°C.

In these areas, if the body temperature is 0.3°C or more above normal, it is generally considered a fever.

Should I Take Fever-Reducing Medicine Only at 38.5°C?

  1. The purpose of fever-reducing medicine is to lower the temperature and make a person feel comfortable. However, some people, even if they have a fever, may not experience significant impacts on diet and mental state. If the mental state is very good, fever-reducing medicine may not be necessary.
  2. If there are noticeable discomfort symptoms, and the fever affects the entire person, even if it has not reached 38.5°C, it is not necessary to endure it, and fever-reducing medicine can be taken.
  3. If the fever temperature is relatively high, such as reaching 39°C or above in the armpit, timely temperature reduction should be done. High fever can cause many harms to the body, affecting the central, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, and urinary systems, and can also cause electrolyte metabolism disorders.

When Is It Necessary to Seek Medical Attention for Fever?

  1. Remittent Fever: Maintaining a temperature above 39-40°C consistently for many days. This condition is common in lobar pneumonia and typhoid fever.
  2. Intermittent Fever: If the body temperature is consistently above 39°C, with fluctuations exceeding 2°C within 24 hours, this is often seen in sepsis, rheumatic fever, severe pulmonary tuberculosis, and purulent inflammation.
  3. Intermittent Fever: If the body temperature rises to a peak, stays elevated for several hours, then rapidly drops to normal temperature, with no intermittent period and lasting 1 to several days, this is common in malaria, acute pyelonephritis, and intestinal infections.

Conclusion: Whether or not to take fever-reducing medicine depends on individual circumstances. Avoid misuse of fever-reducing medicine and refrain from combining multiple medications.

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