Why Do People Often Have Nosebleeds? Doctor: It May Be Related to These Diseases, Many People Ignore Them


I remember when I was a child, whenever someone had a nosebleed, the ‘experienced’ elders would immediately tell them to tilt their head back, then pat some cold water on their head, and finally, roll a tissue into a small plug and insert it into the nose – this was considered a way to stop the bleeding. However, is this age-old practice really effective?

Epidemiological studies show that 75% of people experience nosebleeds at least once in their lifetime, but only 10% of them seek medical attention. Although nosebleeds are common, experts also caution that nosebleeds caused by diseases during seasonal transitions should not be underestimated.

Why do people often have nosebleeds? Doctor: It may be related to these diseases, and many people tend to overlook them.

For example, nosebleeds caused by high blood pressure account for about 40% of nosebleed patients, especially during the fall and winter seasons.

What causes nosebleeds?

The causes of nosebleeds are comprehensive, involving both local and systemic factors.

Local factors

25%-50% of nosebleeds are caused by local factors in the nasal cavity. Inflammation issues such as dry rhinitis, acute rhinitis, sinusitis, and atrophic rhinitis can all lead to nosebleeds.

In addition, diseases such as syphilis, leprosy, tuberculosis, etc., can cause mucosal dilation, erosion, and ulcers, leading to nosebleeds.

Apart from inflammation, nose injuries, such as picking the nose, blowing the nose, or the presence of foreign objects in the nasal cavity, can also cause bleeding. Additionally, injuries to the nasal region or fractures of the anterior and middle cranial fossa bones can lead to nosebleeds.

Changes in external environmental conditions and temperature can cause ruptures in nasal mucosal blood vessels, resulting in bleeding. Tumors in the sinuses and nasal pharynx, when advanced, can also cause bleeding.

Systemic factors

Diseases such as influenza, erysipelas, measles, malaria, and nasal diphtheria can cause bleeding. Cardiovascular diseases like hypertension can also trigger severe bleeding. Deficiency of vitamins C/K in the blood can lead to bleeding.

Coagulation disorders, thrombocytopenic purpura, and leukemia can also cause nosebleeds. In addition, certain toxic conditions and endocrine imbalances can lead to nosebleeds.

In some cases of nosebleeds, blood clots may be present. In most cases, the blood clots are just stained mucus, and sometimes they are connected to the bleeding site. After removing the blood clot, the bleeding site is exposed to the air, and if the bleeding is not significant, platelets will clot, gradually stopping the bleeding.

Why do people often have nosebleeds? Doctor: It may be related to these diseases, and many people tend to overlook them.

4 Scientific Methods to Stop Nosebleeds, Worth Bookmarking!

After experiencing nosebleeds, people often tilt their heads back or plug their noses with tissues to stop the bleeding. However, these methods are not scientifically proven.

Tilting the head back may prevent blood from flowing outside the nose, but it can follow the nasal cavity into the throat, and the bleeding may not stop. In severe cases, a large amount of blood flowing into the throat can cause coughing and other respiratory discomfort.

Plugging the nose with tissue, due to the use of non-sterilized tissues or cotton balls, can introduce bacteria and pathogens into the nasal cavity, increasing the risk of infection, especially when the nasal mucosa is already damaged. Moreover, individuals without medical training may inadvertently cause the inserted object to become stuck in the nose, turning it into a nasal foreign body.

Scientific methods to stop bleeding can include:

Cold Compress to Stop Bleeding: Carefully apply a cold towel or ice pack on both sides of the nose wings. Lowering the temperature can cause blood vessels to contract, and the bleeding point will coagulate relatively quickly. Additionally, applying a cold towel or ice pack to the forehead and the back of the neck can also help stop bleeding.

Pressing the Nose Wings: Press and pinch both sides of the nose wings for about 10-15 minutes without releasing, as this can achieve a certain hemostatic effect.

Cotton Swab Hemostasis: Use a disinfected cotton swab to clean the nasal passages. Then, dip a clean cotton swab into a small amount of camphor oil and apply it to the bleeding point, while pressing it appropriately. Usually, bleeding can stop after a few minutes.

Raise Hands to Stop Bleeding: After bleeding, raise the hands over the head. If the left nostril is bleeding, raise the right hand; if the right nostril is bleeding, raise the left hand; if both nostrils are bleeding, raise both hands.

In addition, after bleeding, it is essential to maintain emotional stability, which can help alleviate bleeding. However, it should be noted that the above methods are only suitable for non-severe bleeding. If there is a large amount of bleeding or the bleeding is severe, immediate medical attention is required.

Preventing Nosebleeds in Daily Life: Try These 3 Tips

To prevent nosebleeds in daily life, multiple measures need to be taken.

Keep the nasal cavity moist. Dry air makes the nasal mucosa more prone to rupture and bleeding, especially in relatively dry weather.

During dry weather, placing a basin of water indoors or using a humidifier can maintain air moisture. Additionally, staying well-hydrated daily can also prevent nasal dryness.

Avoid picking the nose. Some people, especially children, have the habit of picking their noses. Not only is this unhygienic, but it can also introduce bacteria into the nasal cavity. Moreover, nose-picking can stimulate the nasal mucosa, causing rupture or pulling of nose hairs, leading to infection and bleeding.

In terms of diet, eating more vegetables and fruits ensures an adequate intake of vitamins, which helps prevent nosebleeds. Additionally, a light and easily digestible diet contributes to balanced nutrient absorption.

Lastly, it should be noted that there are many reasons for nosebleeds. If recurrent bleeding occurs, it is essential to seek medical attention promptly to rule out other diseases causing the bleeding. Only by remaining vigilant can one ensure good health.”

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