Whether your heart is good or not, you can tell by looking at your face! People with these 8 “looks” are in danger


Heart, the foremost organ among numerous internal organs in the body. Although it is only the size of a fist, its role is irreplaceable, as almost all bodily functions require the heart to supply blood for maintenance. However, it is also a organ quite prone to “injuries,” with heart conditions like heart attacks, heart failure, and abnormal heart rhythms mercilessly claiming the lives of hundreds of thousands each year.

In fact, regardless of gender, if your heart is not quite healthy, there may be some unusual signs on your face. For example, individuals with the following 8 “appearances” may indicate potential heart issues.

  1. Poker Face

If you suddenly notice that your facial expression becomes unusually stiff, like a poker face, it may suggest anomalies in your cardiovascular system. When the heart fails to supply sufficient blood and oxygen to the body promptly, facial muscles tend to become “sluggish,” resulting in a stiff expression.

  1. Lips Turning Purple

When your upper and lower lips show prolonged bluish or purple discoloration, it may indicate issues with your blood circulation. It is advisable to seek medical attention promptly upon discovering this condition. Additionally, if facial redness persists for an extended period, it should be taken seriously, as it may be related to mitral valve stenosis. Due to elevated blood pressure and decreased blood oxygen levels, the patient’s face may have pink or purple spots.

  1. Yellowish Small Lumps Around the Eyes

For middle-aged and elderly individuals, the appearance of yellowish small lumps around the eyes (usually the size of rice or soybeans) may signal abnormal fat metabolism in the body, which is also a significant risk factor for heart conditions. These yellowish lumps, known as xanthomas, are more likely to occur in people aged between forty and fifty. Their formation is due to elevated levels of low-density lipoprotein (bad cholesterol) in the blood, leading to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat.

  1. Pain in the Jaw Area

Typical angina pectoris clinically originates from behind the sternum, and patients may feel pressure in the chest, sometimes accompanied by obvious tension and burning sensations. At the same time, this discomfort may also extend to the upper abdomen, neck, jaw, buttocks, and other body parts. Therefore, if persistent abnormal pain occurs in the jaw area, vigilance should be heightened.

  1. Unusual Fatigue or Frequent Insomnia

Many female patients may feel abnormally tired and weak in the week before the onset of heart conditions, and some may experience sleep disturbances before an episode. Therefore, when you feel consistently fatigued or experience frequent insomnia, it is worth considering whether it is related to heart conditions.

  1. Thickening of the Neck

Based on clinical experience, many individuals with thick necks tend to have higher levels of blood lipids, blood pressure, and blood sugar, all of which are somewhat related to heart conditions. Generally speaking, if a woman’s neck circumference is greater than 0.35 meters or a man’s neck circumference is greater than 0.39 meters, it indicates a thicker neck.

  1. Sudden Profuse Sweating

When you sweat profusely within a short period without a clear cause, suspicion of a connection with heart conditions should arise. This is because a significant reduction in cardiac output and abnormal activity of the sympathetic nervous system can trigger sweating symptoms of heart disease.

  1. Unexplained Facial Swelling

In a healthy individual, excessive intake of water or consumption of high-salt foods at night may cause facial swelling, but this will naturally improve after dietary adjustments. However, unexplained facial swelling needs attention, such as facial contours becoming swollen, muscle tissue sagging, and indentations appearing when pressed with fingers that do not bounce back. All these abnormalities may be related to heart problems.

In conclusion, it is important to note that the presence of the above 8 abnormalities does not necessarily mean you have heart problems. Specific conditions vary for each person, and a comprehensive diagnosis confirmation is required, considering other symptoms, electrocardiograms, echocardiography, and biochemical test results, by a specialist. Therefore, for individuals with suspected issues, it is advisable to seek medical attention promptly.

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